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Ya know, i dont understand why people choose step siblings instead of jsut going wiht full sibling. WHy half ass it? Just go full incest since it doesnt matter anyway. None of these characters are real. ALso, stepo sibling sounds incredibly stupid


thats all you bro



When will Russian language be added?

Deleted 24 days ago

También ami


My main criticism is when doing all the Asuka and Misato stuff having to click sleep on the bed over and over just to get back to the next Saturday morning is kinda bad. It would be nice to click on the task and the game ask you if you want to go to Saturday morning or perhaps selecting sleep and getting to pick the day of the week.

hola, quede atascado en una de las ultimas misiones de asuka donde dice que ella va a decidir cuando va a ocurrir, no se que hacer

Yo también estoy atascado ahí, ya pudiste resolverlo?

Hello, Naughty Capy! I'm very interested when you will be ready to release also Russian translation for your game! It's coming, right?


Need more powaaaaa


There will be more scenes with her in the future, especially in Makima's upcoming route

Where is Asukas bag, I can't seen to find it, I've looked in the entire living room


The bag is on top of the table in front of the TV in the living room is a pinkish red bag


Hey, this game is very good so far in my opinion but it seems like the Halloween event in the park is glitched on mobile (spoilers for the event or at least the start) whenever I turn right after falling through the floor into the backrooms it says that something went wrong and kicks me back to the main menu. I like the game a lot 8/10

This has been an issue since, in my experience, 0.8. Im surprised it hasnt been fixed yet.


We will look into it again. Thank you for reporting it. I'll make sure this gets finally fixed in the next update.


If I came off rude, I didnt mean it that way. It's not a huge deal, but I'm sure we're not alone in wondering what we're missing out on 🎃

Oh no not at all haha I'm genuinely thankful when people report issues like this that's the whole point of early access.

Thank you for taking the time to comment on it <3

how do i progress, its not showing rebecca's route


Are you using an old save file? If so, try creating a new game by going to the main menu, clicking on "New Game", and selecting the "New Content" option.

Who will get the next update?

In the next update, we are focusing on the sandbox part of the game, adding events around the world to make the exploration experience much more fun and interesting than it currently is. So, there will be more content featuring a lot of characters


Your game is honestly boring. The presence of various anime girls does nothing at asll. I recognize sopme but i also care nothing for any of them. The story itself is not all that interesting and i can say i intentionally skipped entire sections and will likely do so again.

The one area u did well in thus far is the animated sections. Those are actually pretty good tbh. Any of them really, not just the sex scenes. 

You also nailed Asuka as she is exactly how i would expect her to be. A complete and utter arrogant worthless bitch with an inferiority complex so big it dwarfs reality. So............yea thats all i have to say. 

You may wanna invest in having someone help go through and fix up the grammar issues too at some point. They are not the WORST ive seen by any stretch but it does need some work.

(1 edit) (+2)

Excellent quality scenes and the story is good. 

ETA for updates, click Start -> New Content for new stuff! 


Pfft, what story? Ive been trying to play this the past few days and i found the story so boring i skipped everything becuz honestly, i dont give a fuck about the story or the characters. With the exception, maybe, of Power or whatever the driver's name is. 

They were ok but i quit after i completed Power's route. I dont care to go any further becuz im not interested in the story or the company or Asuka. She is nothing but a worthless tsundere bitch with a massive inferiority complex. 

SOrry but this game is utterly boring and i dont understand what some of u like about it becuz i dont see it.


Sorry the story isn't your cup of tea. It's completely understandable if you find it boring or uninteresting, everyone has different tastes, and that's perfectly fine.

I hope you find another game that suits your preferences better


Glad you are liking it and enjoy the story <3


Nice game


Boring game.


Thank you <3





When i try to update the app with the apk it says its invalid anyway to fix this so I don't loose progress?

Try to uninstall the previous version completely, and then install version 0.10

What the new update gonna be

Is there a new route 

Or are we be able to "mate" with other characters 

So im kinda stuck on asuka route where i couldnt call elizabeth after all the secret tests. Are there conditions for that?

Elizabeth should be at the university in the morning after the tests. You can talk to her there and continue the story


Is there something to do with Ms. Merlin


Not in version 0.10, but we’re planning a major overhaul of the sandbox aspect of the game in the next update


Dimensional portal has no back button and the arrows do not work. Otherwise I have completed the current version of the game and am very happy with it. I love the animation and the sound is a great touch, games don't usually go all out like you have. Thank you.


The animation is the onluy part i thought was good. The story is boring, i muted the game as i find the music in these games, mostly, are crap and i dont like the sound of people talking or the sounds during sex scenes becuz they annoy me so much i wanna punch something, and the characters..........while i recognize quite a few of them, i feel absolutely nothing for any of them. 

Power is the only route i bothered to complete at all. Her lil route was ok enough but after that i got bored and quit. The nexus event went way too long and had way too much talking. SOryr but im not playing any further into this. I gave it a shot and it jsut isnt good enough for me.

Thank you for reporting this issue. I'm glad you enjoyed it so far, and thank you for your kind words they mean a lot❤️ We will take a look into the nexus issue and fix it on the next version.

Any plans for Elizabeth any time soon?

When she wins the character route poll, we will work on her <3 As of right now, there are no plans for her


This game is the best, and most interesting one I have played among so many games. The plot and character dialogue in the game are not only very interesting, but the gameplay also has a high degree of freedom and diversity. The CG is also done very well, which can be called a masterpiece! The author is really amazing!


Uhm, how is it the best?

Thank you! 💕 I'm so glad you enjoyed it and took the time to comment. There's a lot more content coming for everyone to enjoy, so stay tuned!

(1 edit) (+1)

Desarrolladores cuando terminen todas las rutas no pueden actualizar algunas como la de asuka etc etc para seguir la historia original que está buena espero me respondan solo quiero saber eso y el juego esta 10/10 y también se que es mucho trabajo porque no dejan de agregar waifus xd pero solo quiero saber les agradecería su respuesta

Gracias por disfrutar del juego! No te preocupes, habra mas contenido con Asuka y otros personajes como Power, y Rebecca.

Cuando sigamos con la historia de los AZERO, con Rei y Misato, puedes esperar ver mas escenas con Asuka ;)


niceee game, the best visual novel.

Thank you <33

how do i access rebecca route?

Check the task tab on the phone to see what you need to do

can you add a nami story line pls

I've played a bit on PC, but have started using my phone for it and the text size is just way too small. would love a scaling option or even just hhaving bigger text on android standard. great VN tho.

Where can i have train with rumi usagiyama?


so how can i fuck nami??


Sadly, no, she hasn't won the route poll yet, but I have a feeling that pretty soon you'll be able to (>‿◠)✌

(4 edits) (+2)

I played this game a year or so ago and just loved it. But the dialogue display is very difficult to read when playing the latest update. I need to squint at it constantly and I just can't get into it. Is there a way to fix this on my end? Using the Windows version. Thank you for any assistance; I've tried a few things but came up empty.


So, it wouldn't let me change the font size naturally. It let me change to a bigger font by messing with the files, but that broke some stuff.

Ended up switching to the slightly more legitible but more boring Open Sans and adding the following code to the gui file:

define gui.dialogue_text_outlines = [ (3, "#000005", 0, 0) ] define gui.dialogue_outline_scaling = "linear" define gui.charaters_text_outlines = [ (3, "#000005", 0, 0) ] define gui.characters_outline_scaling = "linear" style say_label:     outlines [ ( 3, "#000005", 0, 0) ]     outline_scaling "linear"

Not a perfect fix, but makes it legible. Will try to start a new playthrough tomorrow now that it's workable on my laptop.

We'll take note of this and try to implement a way to make the text bigger. Out of curiosity, and to get a better measure, can you tell me what device you're using to play it?

Just a Windows laptop. Also had the same issue on Android, and that's what I used to play it before.


I enjoyed the game, it was amazingly hot and aswome looking forward to the next update 🤌 but I do hope Yor Forger next in line tho, her character gotta needs improvements and better looking than I played right now she looks a bit odd but it's cool

Thank you for the kind words; I'm glad you liked it ♥

Android version 0.10.1 says "Invalid File" after download and pop-up dialogue "Would you like to update this app?"


If you have an older version of MHF, try uninstalling it before installing the APK

It's not fun to have to start over at the beginning every time there's an update.

Yes, you are absolutely right. That’s why we added the option to "Skip to New Content" so if you’re a returning player, you can jump right into the new content without playing through everything again <3

yeah but if I wasn't all the way caught up, and I update then I miss out on content.

Hi why i cant join discord server? Its saying the link is expired and please fix this problem i want to join this game server, this game is 10/10 animations are so good characters so good too, this is best game ever

Try with this link: CLICK

Thank you ♥♥ It really means a lot

Its still saying invalid or expired May the link is already expired and need change date??

When i was in this server i got 10m mute chat and i got kicked out from server and maybe moderators banned My IP or Phone? Please i need help

(1 edit) (+2)

Bravo it's incredible really the animations with Rebecca are incredible continue like this personally I like it and I can't wait for us to have animations with nezuko and all the other characters and the story and great! I love the game personally And the voices are great mirai,power,asuka,hinata,Bulma,nami,misturi,Rebecca,the best animation is Rebecca's I can't wait to see other characters with this kind of animation and I also have a problem why I have to redownload the game to have the version up to date fortunately there is a mode go back to the latest novelty 


I'm really looking forward to animating every single character in the game, especially scenes with multiple characters (Spoiler?). I'm glad you liked it. <3 And yeah, for some reason, this new update wasn't able to just replace the old APK, so you'll need to first uninstall the previous version and then install version 0.10. Sorry about that.

is there any options to increase game quality?

Not right now. We do heavy compression to keep the file size relatively low. However, in the future, when our launcher is ready, we will add a 'No Compression Version' to allow you to experience MHF in full HD, with 60fps animations and an overall crisper look.


Amazing work as always! Looking forward to the next update, and also hoping you add more events/portals.

Como fazompra conseguir os fragmentos do portal ja terminei todo o jogo so falta ele.mas fiz as 2 versão e nao achei nada 

(1 edit)

Do you intend to include a PT Br translation?

I downloaded the 0.10.1 ANDROID file,but it say "The application package is invalid and the installation could not be completed."

How can I fix this problem 

Same problem for me

If you have an older version of MHF, try uninstalling it before installing the APK


Bro when the update come out


not today it seems but hopefully soon, and there's probably a good reason for the delay


Right now!!

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