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¿El juego está en español?

Could someone help me how to install the apk version when I install it I get (the app cannot be installed)


If u already have a version downloaded u have to delete the old version then download the new one

(1 edit)

Does anyone know why in the animated scenes everything only turns black except the text and it happens to me with other games like this

How old is your device. Perhaps the Ram is full


How do I text mirai? I found the contacts app and found mirais contact etc. But I just am not able to text her at all. No matter where I click nor press keys. Any help?


When will we have 0.12?


Theres no fucking way you made it into another website and we have to pay


no you don’t, it’ll still release for free to the public the same way it did before 


could you translate into Italian please 🙏🏻🥺?

Will there be a browser version?


Can anyone tell me how to unlock traditional Chinese

The author said before that he has been cooperating with the translation company and will update the new language. It should be Chinese in the later version.

Thank you very much, my friend


Is there any BDSM content that is or will be in the game?


Wow, great. 👌


how do i make money to buy the dress for asuka

Having the same issue?

I kinda managed to solve this problem, you have to start rebecca's route, but when it tells you at the missions to continue it's route, do not open your phone inside your room, and even try to open it only at night, this way you can go and work with her, but you don't have to cancel any of both routes, because when you finish Becca's route you cannot get money any other way, at least, that's how i managed to get it

(1 edit)

I followed what you said and I was able to make money for Asuka's dress, so this works, now I have the issue of not being able to start Rebecca's quest 😭😭😭

The way i said was suposed to work for both routes, once you get the money you should be able to continue becca's route just by checking your phone


Welp, looks like I gotta delete some saves and start over, wish me luck brother🫡

Good luck Bro

Go to Rebecca in the city to shot down drones.

Bugs that I found.

-At any time of the day, once you click on the bathroom door, you can skip both of Asuka and Mirai routes, which results in an H-Scene involving the two of them, even when you haven't even completed the prologue.

-Once you unlock Rebecca and you take on her route, you can no longer do the mini game and earn money, which resulted to incomplete Asuke's Route revolving around the quest of $400 dollars.

-The texts box in certain dialogue, never change, which results in some characters saying what the Mc saying and vice-versa.

-Some of the dialogue is mismatched, often resulting in broken english.

These are the bugs that I found, if anyone has more, please reply to this comment or if you have any solutions to the second bug, (Which is the one I'm stuck on) then please comment it.

Got my own solution for the second bug posted in other comment, you can check it or i can re-send it if you want

(1 edit)

I feel like you're getting tired of me at this point🤣. Can you explain in depth on how you was able to do the two routes please?

Srry for being late, i dont usually come to this site xd, The moment you travel to the center and meet Becca and Jinx For the first time i kind of remember, i think its the first encounter through the map, not the one when you first leave school, that encounter ends and a few days later or that same day if you open your phone it automatically starts the next part of becca's route, make sure to not open the phone so you dont trigger the next part, you can open it during night times so you can check the stuff you need  without losing the chance to make the money, while you ignore your phone you can actually go to becca and work with her, this way you get the money to buy asuka's dress but you dont lose the chance to make all routes, once you get the money you need, you can open your phone and if you instantly get a message from becca then you did right.

If by any chance you still cannot make it, try to tag or pin mi on the game's discord server, i can manage to make a call or send at the server a video so you can follow the steps, dont you worry, im happy to help

how do i even start reebbeca route?

When you leave school the first day, if im not wrong, you find her and help her shoot down some drones, then she tells you you can help her any time you want at the city's center area, but at the moment you go there instead of being allowed to play the minigame for money you automatically begin the route with a cinematic, then everything i describe in my "guide" is what i did to get all routes in the same save, this happens mainly because the developer is adding content but we know how hard it is to make a "open world" game with multiple routes than gives you the chance to take all of them, im not complaining, the game is amazing, and i understand that some time in the near future we wont be able to make all routes, so i'll try to find a way to help all of us to get them even if we require some bugs xD

Sería bueno si hubiera una ruta para bulma

Tengamos en cuenta que es un juego en desarrollo y según la historia si tienes que hacerlo con todas, por lo que muy probablemente en el futuro la haya


who and where is utahime



where is utahime


Any way to increase text size? My phone has high res, the texts are flea sized.


How can i do the Rebecca's route


Quick question how do i earn money after doing Rebecca's story? 

alguém me ajuda nessa missão prfv 


guys how to i earn cash here. ive seen some comments saying that i need to destroy drones but when i go to rebecca H-scene starts.

did you ever figure this out


I have never seen animation this good. But there's a few quality of life changes to the whole user interface. World Tamer/Corrupted Kingdoms have decent animations but high quality interface. 

**The animations do have some clipping problems such as clothes and such.


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I've belive that for the $400 you need for asuka you have to speak with rebecca but i finished here route and can only sleep with her when interacting.

Have I bugged a save or am i missing somthing?

Version 0.11 public.

Edit: I have deleted all files on my PC but some how when redownloaded the game still has my saves?

(On PC) Somewhere (cant find it now, seen it some time ago) in system files, there is "game" folder, which contains copies of all saves for all renpy games played. So when updating, new version will have old save upon starting, or that's how it suppose to work, i hope. :D

I am impressed! Very well done on both the story and the animations!

If you have time, perhaps double check some dialogues, I noticed that the MC sometimes has the dialogue box their counterpart.

Also when Mirai is in bed at night, the interaction box says "it shouldn't with her" or something improper English like that.


can you add a sex option for bulma please 

Não consigo fazer essa missão como faço ela

Não consigo fazer essa missão da asuka como faço ela

bruz i compeleted mirai power asuka and rebecca what do i do next

When is the next update


Is Rebecca stuff not in the public release?


im stuck on asuka quest i dont know where to get the 400


Could you please post the full apk again? The live service-ish data download kinda s*cks. :( i would rather download the full game and install it.

Will in the future all girls be "freed"?
Like, Ino, Nami, Miruko etc?

Where can i find eviga for help

After the second Doki Doki scene you can interact with her in your room clicking the bed and going to the nexus

Android downloading resource packages in the game may result in errors or progress bars getting stuck, whether I log out, delete the background, or take any other measures


Is hatsune miku gonna be added to the game? Seems like a perfect addition to this game in my opinion, I would asume most people think the same

(1 edit) (+2)

i've been waiting to download data game,but it's only stop at sentence:"preparing to download the game data" with this blank


I want to know if there are any progress able characters like Bulma or anyone besides Asuka and Power, and if yes please tell me how I can do that.


Asuka route is broken, you can skip way ahead by clicking on the bathroom

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