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cual es la contraseña del pc???


What content am i expecting when i download?

0.7 add the first half of Powers route and the Halloween event.

The first Power event is activated when you go to Yor's clothing store (Strange love), and for the Halloween event, you just need to talk to the girls in the park.

Would you recommend it? what content is in the game?

I'm missing one of Mirai's scene's, I'm pretty sure it's the one where you have sex with her on the dining room table with all the food on it, im also missing misato's scene how do I get her's?


For that Mirai scene, you need to click on "Fuck with her" when she asks you during the first half of Asuka's route. And for Misato, the button is there but there are no h scenes yet.

guess I gotta restart then? I'm pretty sure I did click it though


Do I just re-download for the update? I don't want to lose my saved progress on my Android

When you download the new version a window should pop up asking you if you want to update the app, you won't lose your progress, but with every new version it is highly advised not to use old save files because it can cause bugs, we implemented a button to skip right to the new content, that way you dont need to play it all over again.

how do i get to the power route?

what i did was head to the strange love clothing store

What time will the update scheduled for today be released

Capy said 28 Dec only without any time

The update is out now! Enjoy <3



Un juegazo


Esto es un juegazo 10/10, el juego realmente me encantó


really good game love the characters.

Thank you so much ✨ 

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Exelent Game 10/10

Glad you liked it 💖

Will it be possible to fuck Bulma



hey capy, is 0.8 gonna be like Christmas gift or we need wait 1 month for public release?

The Christmas event is part of the 0.8, so yeah the public version is going to be available a month after the initial 0.8 release



我为此使用谷歌翻译,对于任何语法错误深表歉意。 我们计划提供中文的官方翻译,但首先,我们需要找到一个母语是中文、懂得如何翻译、并且了解 Python 和 Renpy 基础知识的人。 如果您认识这样的人,请与我们联系。


La calidad de esto es increible. 😳

Ojala avancen las actualizaciones mas rapido

Gracias por el cumplido! Estamos tratando de mejorar la calidad con cada nueva actualizacion ✨


This is one of the best VNs i've played in a while, I'm really interested in the story here, not to mention that the animations are some of the best I've seen in a game like this, you really don't see a game of this quality often 100% recommended

Glad you enjoyed it ❣️ 0.8 is charged with new animations that I know a lot of people will love


This is the best anime harem game i've played in, not that i know much, but the game desing and the characters are pretty well made and the history is very enjoyable

Thank you so much 💖

Mr. Capy, I am having issues with trying to continue asuka storyline. I have completed the military tasks and after talking to Elizabeth, I am supposed to visit asuka's room, but it keeps taking me to the cutscene where I enter asuka's room and mess up her dress. It won't let me continue after this,

We looked into it and fixed some issues regarding the evergarden class. The fixes are going to be implemented on the next update (December 28 for the public) One thing that you can do right now is to avoid going to class on Monday, go when the task asks you to

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Hello Mr.Capy, This Game is awesome but im wondering when will there be a Power's Route?

Thank you! Glad you liked it <3 The start of powers route is already available on Patreon but is coming out to the public on December 28.


Hello Mr. Capy, This game is AMAZING. I like the plot and the characters. This may be the best game I've played here. I look forward to the other updates and I hope you add tatsumaki's route someday. Thank you. 

I appreciated the kind words <3 Glad you enjoyed it. And yes, Tatsumakis route is coming for sure she is in second place right now on the next character poll on our discord. Who knows, she may win


It say update complete if i download the latest version will i have to play form begging again or keep my progeness because theres no update button for the games can you explian mr capy



This is it! The last poll of the year and it is a big one. The winner of this poll will be the next character in the game to have a route (On the 0.9) So choose wisely!

We are including Characters that are already in the game and some new ones like @strellar original character Hatsu. and also some possible nexus characters like Mei (Overwatch) and Kobeni (Chainsaw Man)

To vote go to our official discord channel and vote on the corresponding poll channel
(Make sure to link your Patreon account with Discord, if you have any trouble doing it hit me up, and I'll help you)

Votes are multiplied depending on your role:

  • Awake x12
  • Purple x6
  • Cyan x3
  • Unconscious x2

I am on the Sneak into Asuka's room at night task but when I do I can get her out of bed have sex and after I still have the same task

Did you finish her route? Or was this before the end of the route?

before the end ive not finished 

I lost all my progness because i was play for a long time and decide to fo asuka room at night and say error free room it say and have restart all my things i dont save at that time and it lost everything fix this

I'm sorry this happened to you, We are gonna look into that. in the meantime, we added 3 different buttons to skip to different sections of the game, that way if you lose your progress you can jump right to the end of the first week or right to the new content.

What is the 9th one can i get it

You just need to play the first week and when the MC goes to investigate on his PC that animation will start playing on the computer.

Can i text anyone at the contacts list i kind of want to disturb them to hate me or go to elizabeth house or something

Yes, we are planning on adding this like texting or just chatting a little with the LIs. 

How do I get the 9th picture?

What pictures

Mr Cappy, I have a question. 

Will Tatsumaki have her own route and can a character from Re:zero into the game? Preferably not Rem since she already has a lot of stuff but even still.  

Yeah absolutely, Tatsumaki will have her own route, is just a matter of who wins the next character poll.

I want to play shinobu.Can you add??

I want to eat😁^⁠_⁠^

Of course! Shinobu will have her own route at some point

I can't wait for her turn😜

When will 0.7 will be out for public at 0.8 make it so that i can text anyone if no just ingore what i said

Some of the picture are not in the game booo

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Every single animation and picture posted here on Itch is on the game. Perhaps you couldn't find it, if so, please tell me which one is "not in the game" and I'll guide you on how to find it.

How to get the 5th picture one i havent

You need to complete Asuka's route, Check the task menu, and follow what it says next to Asuka's picture. If at some point the task asks you for $400 just work with Rebecca in the city (Make sure you only get $400, no more than that, if you make more than $400 it could create a looping bug)

Bro N CAPY Pls tell me in the future there will be a way to bring mitsuri to life bro pls do it somehow I mean shes DAMMMMMEEEE!

Every character that is part of the Nexus portal is unable to cross to the main simulation I'm afraid😔

its ok but will we be able to meet her again at least throught the Nexus portal?pls bro I f we cant get her to the mian sim then atleast can we meet her in the sub sim like how sasuke comes to the hidden leaf and goes from time to time like that can there be new conent with mitsuri time to time? 




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我为此使用谷歌翻译,对于任何语法错误深表歉意。 我们计划提供中文的官方翻译,但首先,我们需要找到一个母语是中文、懂得如何翻译、并且了解 Python 和 Renpy 基础知识的人。 如果您认识这样的人,请与我们联系。


Asuka quest keeps repeating at the point where you spill on her dress and have to buy a new one. Now it’s stuck where you buy the dress. I got the $400 but when I go to yor, there’s no prompt to buy the dress. What do I do?

I'm having the same issue. I can't continue since I need to search Asukas room for clues. 

Do we really have to completely the Asuka route to do other routes? Or can we just ignore some routes and then do the ones we want?


Our vision is to have a lot of different routes, that way you can go after your favorite waifu, as of version 0.6 the only route available is the Asukas route. But 0.7 introduces Power, and you can do her route right away when you unlock the free mode.


I notice the university is called GLADOS and I thought OMG am I going to see GLADOS or Chell from portal 2 and I thought maybe she not going to be in it.


I finished the Demon Slayer portal thingy but nothing has changed. Is that supposed to be the case? And how can I find portal fragments.=?

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Incredible game, I wanted to know when the bulma part will be released.


When you earn the 400$, when I go to talk to yor, nothing happens. Idk if I did smth wrong, But can someone please help me?

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