My Hentai Fantasy 0.11 PUBLIC

We are changing the way you access new updates. Simply go to our official website, click 'download,' verify that you're an active patron, select the version you want, and the download will start! Our website only checks that you're a current member. My Hentai Fantasy (Click)

Steps to download:

-Uninstall any previous version of the game from your phone. 

-Wait for the launcher to download all the files.

 -You're good to go! (Try not to close the launcher for too long; it will mess up the files.)  As always, if you encounter any bugs, typos, or errors, please report them on Discord.


  • New website
  • New launcher
  • Gallery rework
  • 269 new renders
  • 14 new animations
  • 19 new sound effects
  • 10 new songs
  • New music player
  • 5 character model reworks
  • 3 location reworks
  • Bug fixing

 SIDE NOTE:  If your menu animation features Toga, that means you downloaded the correct version successfully.  If you click on 'New Content,' you will be greeted with a new changelog notification. At the bottom, there’s a little guide on how to access the new events.

Just in case anyone wants to know where the events are:

Asuka event - Go to the bathroom in the morning or afternoon after completing Asuka's route.

Ino event - Go to class on Wednesday morning after unlocking free mode.

Tsunade event - Go to class on Thursday morning after unlocking free mode. Click on the speakers in your bedroom! New interactions with Caulifla, Toga, Mikasa, Sakura, and Asuna.


My Hentai Fantasy 0.11 PC/LINUX 76 MB
Nov 27, 2024
My Hentai Fantasy 0.11 ANDROID 82 MB
Nov 27, 2024 2.2 GB
Nov 27, 2024

Get My Hentai Fantasy (+18)

Download NowName your own price


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why does it say im in version 10.0 when 11.0 is the only one i downloaded

There needs to be an option from the bed to skip to the weekend for certain missions. It would be a useful quality of life addition to make progression feel less tedious. 

(1 edit)

Can we migrate our saves from 0.10 to 0.11 and continue to play but to get new missions since I've been stuck in completed tasks and now none of new tasks comes yet. Do I need to wait 10 game days or what I need to do to completely migrate successfuly - is there a way for doing it?

I've also tried to copy saves dir to base/game dir and to click on start a new game but that also didn't helped. It says latest version 0.11 but current version is 0.10

Please bring back the full game download i can't even install the launcher on my android


So I have to wast my hard earned money on your patreon to get the latest public version?

(2 edits) (+1)

i downloaded this game back in march and haven't played it since. i stopped where we awaken mirai. I re downloaded it back today. When i opened it up i still could see some old saves but i hadn't thought much of it. I do know once you open up the game, it says start a new game or ill be stuck. I downloaded the "My Hentai Fantasy 0.11 PC/LINUX'' off itch but when i went to check the in game version it said current version is 0.10. I thought 0.11 was public released alr but it doesn't say that in game. so what version am i on? is this a bug? Do i have to advance to get to the 0.11 version?


Aun no se soluciona el problema con apk y Windows?????? 🤔


What are we supposed to do if we don't have or want Patreon?

Please explain, I didn't understand your question!


he means like what will happen to him if he doesn't buy their patreon or he doesn't want or buy their patreon

(1 edit) (-1)

Ah, I understand. And to answer the question, not much really, the free version of the game will be released when the next version of the game is in the hands of the patrons. In other words, free users are always late for an update!


So nothing has changed? Okay, thank you for letting me know.


Please bring back the full size for the apk I get errors when I try to download data and I can't background download bring back the 2gb apk file it's so much faster to download than ingame data download


Hay alguna canción específica que deba escuchar para tener más interacción con toga Mikasa y las demas ya que apesar de que interactuó con el toca discos me dicen lo mismo una y otra vez y yo no sé que hacer


Whenever I try to download, it says "error timed out"  or something along those lines, does anyone have a fix??? 


Hey, dev!

Could you also add the full 2.2GB PC version of the game to the downloads?

I'm begging for Android too

It seems that after the update, sometimes if you launch the game in full screen the icons for opening the phone and moving from room to room seem to be moved to the right so 50% of those icons is visible.

A quick fix is to go to windowed mode and back to full screen.

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

how 0.11 have 82mb on android

cmon bruv

(1 edit) (+2)

That’s just the apk, you get an additional 2GB download when opening the game

Deleted 119 days ago

i forgot put "android" on my cmt

my bad

Deleted 118 days ago

When will there be an update focused on Elizabeth

(2 edits) (+3)(-3)

When she wins a poll 

Lmao tf are the 3 downvotes for